Tag Archives: spinning

Spinning with the Digital: EMDA Reflections

I’ve spent the last two weeks at the Folger Shakespeare Library‘s Early Modern Digital Agendas, this summer’s NEH-funded institute on advanced digital humanities topics. With only a few days left, I’m trying to start the process of reflecting on this amazing opportunity and more thoroughly processing the huge amounts of information we’ve been introduced to […]

“Untimely Matter” and Deconstructing Différance

I was probably much too excited about Jonathan Gill Harris’ Introduction to Untimely Matter in the Time of Shakespeare when we read it for my performance theory class last week. The readings for this class have generally been very interesting and engaging, but this one was an unexpected surprise. I felt a bit like his […]

Why “spinning with the braine”?

The quote underlined in the image shown here is from Margaret Cavendish’s dedicatory epistle to Poems and Fancies (1653). Out of this image comes my first blog post and the title of my blog because, thus far, this quote has been the wellspring of my academic interests. Prior to discovering Cavendish and stumbling upon this (revelatory, inspirational, […]